Tuesday 16 August 2016

China launches quantum satellite in battle against hackers

China has launched a satellite to test whether communications can be rendered hack-proof in its latest challenge to US supremacy in space.

In contrast to previous Chinese initiatives that replicated the achievements of US and Russian space programmes of decades ago, the satellite would, if successful, put China at the forefront of a new technology.

Micius, named after an ancient Chinese scientist and philosopher, was launched early on Tuesday from a military base in the Gobi desert. Photons, or light particles, will be fired at it to see whether quantum physics will allow the secure encryption of long-range communication.

The theory being tested is called quantum entanglement, in which two photons have an invisible and instantaneous connection — a property Albert Einstein described as “spooky action at a distance”.

If the entanglement endures over the distance between Micius and Earth, with information passing through a network of satellites, it will in principle allow for virtually unhackable communications.

The project was a “landmark event for quantum technologies”, said Ronald Hanson of the Technical University of Delft, a leading European quantum researcher. “With this launch China has established itself as the leading pioneer towards a global quantum communications network.”

The lead scientist on the project, Pan Jian-wei at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, said the $100m satellite was so far operating properly but that it would take several months of data collection before the experiment could be deemed a success.

His team will first test sending a secure key from Beijing to the city of Urumqi, on China’s frontier with Central Asia, and then from Beijing to Vienna. The weak signal means it can only be tested at nighttime.

If this experiment is successful the team hopes to launch a second satellite within the next four to five years, he said: “for a quantum network, one satellite is not sufficient”

In a quantum internet, made up of quantum computers, eavesdropping on communication would be impossible. The satellite might also be used for experiments in quantum science over distances that were previously unachievable.

With ground-based systems, the complementary nature of photons degrades after about 300km. The record distance for quantum communication using fibre optics is just over 100km.

The Micius launch fits a global pattern of increased interest in quantum research, such as the EU’s €1bn Flagship programme for quantum technologies.

A newly wealthy Chinese state has poured money into scientific projects of a kind that lacks funding elsewhere. Funding for basic research through the National Natural Science Foundation in Beijing rose to about $10bn in 2015, still far short of the $131bn budgeted by the US in 2015.

However, progress has been stifled by a bureaucracy that values Communist party patronage networks over scientific excellence, and by the need for co-operation with the military, which controls most satellite capability.

The revelations of Edward Snowden, the former US National Security Administration contractor, of the extent of US spying on its own citizens and foreign powers have galvanised international efforts in secure communications.

Some countries mandate that servers be located domestically, creating huge expenses for US technology groups. Others have secured political mandates for costly shielding programmes.

In 2013 Mr Snowden said the NSA had penetrated computers in mainland China. His revelations played into fears of excessive US influence that were gaining ground in China’s military, security and Communist party apparatus, fuelling a military build-up and a crackdown on civil society.


Monday 15 August 2016

Glo Grows Mobile Market Share To 24%, Ramps Up 5m New Subscribers In 1 Year

National telecommunications operator, Globacom, which has for the past one and half years been the preferred data services provider has also emerged the first choice of subscribers in voice services. The company recorded 68% of all  additional GSM lines in the country in the last 12 months.

Telecom industry statistics published on the website of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)  showed that a total of 7,477,977 new lines were activated between June 2015 and June 2016, with Globacom recording a whopping 5,063,895 new susbcribers, representing 68%, while Airtel added 2,414,082 new customers.

On the contrary, MTN and Etisalat had their GSM subscriber figures whittled down. While Etisalat lost 382,336 customers, MTN's subscriber base was depleted by 4, 403,344 in the last one year.

Details of the NCC report showed that, with the feat achieved by Globacom, the data grandmaster has now grown its market share from 21% to 24% with 36.3m subscribers at the end of June, 2016. But, MTN which once had over 45% share of the market had this reduced to 39% at the end of June with 58.4m subscribers. Glo had a total of 31,256,677 customers by June 2015, whereas MTN had 62,813,111.

Significantly, while Glo has continued to narrow the gap between it and MTN, it has created a substantial gap between it and Airtel. Both Glo and Airtel were at par in terms of market share only three months ago with each having 21%.

But Airtel, whose subscriber base stood at 29,564,766 at the middle of last year, had 31,978,848 customers at the end of June 2016. This still keeps it at 21% share of the GSM market. On its part, Etisalat had 15% share with 22,469,896 customers at the end of June, 2016, down from 22,852,232 at the same time last year.

Globacom's lead in the voice segment of the industry complements it's status as clear leader in the data market where it has for the last one year remained tops in new internet subscriber acquisition.

In June 2016 for instance, while the industry gained a total of 318, 008 new internet subscribers, Globacom alone had 272,674 of the new customers. In essence, Globacom accounted for about 86 percent of the total internet subscriber acquisitions in the industry in the month of June.

It is believed that Globacom's unparalleled growth even in the midst of shrinking economy is the dividend of the massive network upgrade it carried out recently as well as its commitment to offering innovative products and services.